
Some notes on cameras I have, or have used, or just have opinions on. Opinions, of course, vary.

Sony A7iii

My current camera, and it's great. Not sure it's the most suited camera to what I mainly do now, but it's way more camera than I need, and versatile enough to do almost anything you could want. With a small lens, it's reasonably compact and light, but definitely not tiny. Pocketable only for very large pockets.

Sony A7

My previous camera, and it was pretty good, though a bit outdated now. Still decent if your needs aren't too advanced, though, and should be available used for low prices now.

Fuji X100VI

Brand new at the time of writing, and I've never used one. But a super nice camera. People who try them usually seem to love them. Previous X100 models, especially the X100V, became almost impossible to get hold of when they became strangely popular through TikTok and Instagram.

If you're not a photographer, and have just seen amazing photos taken with these cameras, and want to take photos just as good, try looking for great photos taken with other cameras - you'll probably find the common factor is good photographers, not any specific model of camera. But the Fuji film simulations do make some beautiful styles.

It'll be interesting to see what happens with used prices now - currently, the X100V is selling used for more than it did new, because there's no supply. When the X100VI becomes available, the used price of the X100V should fall well below its price. As long as Fuji can keep up with demand.