
PigPog is now more of a set of connected sites, to me. It's kind of the name I give to all my creative outlets and projects, but 'the' website is now actually several sites.


A service or set of services, made and run by Adam Newbold.


A fairly basic blogging service. It's not WordPress, which is both good and bad. But I only need something pretty basic now, so it does the job. But it's also surprisingly flexible, and it's what you're looking at right now - these notes are made much easier to update by its support for 'wiki-style links', where anything in double-square-brackets becomes a link to the page with that name.


Usually the first thing you're guided to in omg.lol. It's a profile page, similar to something like Linktree, but edited in Markdown. Quick and easy to change. Flexible, you can even set it to just display whatever HTML you enter, if you want to do something different.

I use it like a landing page, so it just says who I am and has links to the things you might be looking for. Actually, at the moment, I'm using a custom weblog.lol home page for that, until Adam adds a way to let weblog.lol grab URLs that should belong to the profile page. But I'll go back to actually using the profile page then.


A single-page to answer the question "So what are you up to these days?"


A Mastodon instance. Mastodon isn't picking up a lot of mainstream acceptance now, but it's staying pretty popular among the more geeky people. I made it my new 'home' on Mastodon.



Where my photography now lives. I've been on Flickr for a long time. Since 2004, so heading for 20 years at the time of writing. And as far as I can tell, it's still the best place for sharing photography. Instagram has way more people, but it's not at all built around photography now, if it ever really was. Flickr seems to have, at least mostly, avoided the lure of enshittification.


Things I used to use, but don't any more.

Obsidian Publish

This part of PigPog, my Notes, uses Obsidian Publish, so I write directly in Obsidian, and just hit a button to publish changes. Well, a button and then one or two more buttons, but it's very quick and easy. Linking between pages is very easy too, which is probably the top 'selling point' for me. The easier it is to just write and get it live on the web, the more likely I am to do it. The Photography section here had been mostly written for years without me ever deciding what to actually do with it.

If I want to make myself actually do something, I find it best to make it really easy to do. And the challenge of making it easy is often interesting and fun enough that I'll do it.